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Writer's pictureChristine L.

Embracing the Joyous Traditions: Your Ultimate Guide to Celebrating the 12 Days of Yule

The 12 days of Yule traditionally refer to a period of celebration and feasting that takes place around the winter solstice. Yule is an ancient Germanic/Norse winter festival that predates the Christian celebration of Christmas. The celebration lasts for 12 days, typically starting on the night of the winter solstice (around December 21 or 22) and continuing until early January.

The significance of the number 12 is rooted in various cultural and historical traditions. In Norse mythology, for example, there were 12 days of Yule to honor the god Odin, and each night represented one month of the coming year. Additionally, the ancient Romans celebrated Saturnalia, a festival dedicated to the god Saturn, which also lasted for approximately 12 days and included feasting and gift-giving.

Over time, as Christianity spread, the 12 days of Yule became associated with the Christian liturgical season of Christmas. The twelfth night, which falls on January 5th or 6th, is particularly important, as it marks the end of the Christmas season and the beginning of Epiphany, a Christian feast day celebrating the visit of the Magi to the infant Jesus.

In modern times, many people still observe the 12 days of Christmas, either as part of their religious traditions or as a cultural celebration. The period is often marked by festive activities, gift-giving, and gatherings with family and friends. While the specific customs may vary, the underlying theme is one of joy, community, and the anticipation of the coming year.

Below are the 12 Days with a reflection of that day and the corresponding zodiac signs.

Many blessings to you all for your Yule!

12 Days of Yule:

1st day of Yule – Mothers night

We welcome the Season of Yule. We now embrace the return of the sun. The birth of the sun. In doing so we honor our women around us.


This corresponds with the Zodiac sign of Aries, and looking in ones “self”.

2nd day of Yule – The Winter Solstice

This represents the shortest day and the longest night. From this day onward, the sun starts to break winters dark sleepy spell. The Spring and fertility will soon follow.


Corresponds with Taurus, and one's possessions

3rd day of Yule – Remembering the Virtue of Courage

Courage is and attitude of boldness, however not the absence of fear. Courage is carrying on in spite of your fear. It is courage that allows us to live life in such a manner that we can feel good about ourselves.


Corresponds with Gemini, and communication

4th day of Yule – Remembering the Virtue of Truth

Truth is as individual as ones self. There is no universal truth. There is no right way or one way of seeing things. What we accept as truth, is just that. Our truth. Search for your own truth.

Corresponds with Cancer, and home.

5th day of Yule – Remembering the Virtue of Honor

The ability to hold your head up in any situation you have. To set a high standard in our lives and strive to live like wise. Even behind closed doors.

Corresponds with Leo, and pleasure and creativity.

6th day of Yule – Remembering the Virtue of Fidelity

Remaining loyal to not only who we are but to others. Others need to be able to take you at your word, for your word is your bond. The devotion to our deeds is in honor.

Corresponds with Virgo, and health.

7th day of Yule – Remembering the Virtue of Hospitality

Welcoming new people into your life and home. Trusting people in today's society can be difficult, but we can exercise caution and try to be more welcoming.

Corresponds with Libra, and partnership or loved ones.

8th day of Yule – Remembering the Virtue of Discipline

Living our lives today as Witches is not always easy. As we fly in the society of ignorance it is hard to stay true to ones self. Being diligent in your beliefs and your study help you stay true to you.

Corresponds with Scorpio, and change or cycles.

9th day of Yule – Remembering the Virtue of Industriousness

We all work hard. But there are times when we all need to stop and smell the roses. Balance is key, to have to much work and no play is not good for your health. Same as reverse. To much play time, and one becomes lazy in work.

Corresponds with Sagittarius, and philosophy or learning.

10th day of Yule – Remembering the Virtue of Self Reliance

Do not let your success or happiness be determined by someone else. Rely on your own efforts to secure your success. Codependency is not being true to ones self.

Corresponds with Capricorn, and career or life path.

11th day of Yule – Remembering the Virtue of Perseverance

See your actions to it's conclusion. If you give up, you die. Period. Failure is evidence that you have tried, but success is failure defeated.

Corresponds with Aquarius, and friendships

12th day of Yule - 12th Night.

This is the time to remember where you came from as well as a time to make future plans. Take oaths, make promises, hold true.

Corresponds with Pieces, and the subconscious or mysterious.

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