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Writer's pictureChristine L.

Exploring the Influence of Pluto in Aquarius

Pluto; our tiniest of planets, has been dancing its magnificent dance of Capricorn to Pluto since March 2023. The last time Pluto was direct in Aquarius was 226 years ago. There will be a slight dip back for one last time into Capricorn retrograding from Sept 1, 2024 to Nov 19, 2024. Then it will enter Aquarius in all it’s glory for the next 19 years. Yes, 2043 will be when Pluto finally moves out of Aquarius and into Pisces.

This slow moving planet transitioning from Capricorn to Aquarius not only ends the age of an era, but the start of a whole new collective metamorphosis. Pluto in Capricorn created a completely new societal structure of the human experience. The change to our being in the last 226 years has been vastly expansive!

During Pluto’s last changeover from Capricorn to Aquarius in 1778-1798, the discovery of Uranus in 1781 was a big revelation for the astronomical sciences. The American Revolution came to an end in 1783. The invention of the first successful vaccine which was for small pox was developed in 1796. As well as the Industrial Revolution that was through this same time period. Out of each and everyone one of these major events innovation came through.

Pluto is known as the planet of the underworld. It is the mystery, the unseen, the renewal, transformation and change. This is usually an uncomfortable adjustment, sometimes through sudden and radical changes. Think of the Death card in a Tarot deck, it’s not always pleasant but necessary for growth.

Pluto is associated with the element of water. In astrology this planet would be connected to the water signs (Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio). These water signs are known for their emotional depth, intuition and sensitivity.

On the other hand, the sign of Aquarius seems to be a very confusing sign to most people. It is thought of as a water sign because of its symbol, the water bearer. Now the water bearer is a just a vessel pouring water, but Aquarius is actually an air sign. Air signs are the thinkers, the communicators and the doers (Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini). The water bearer pours from its sacred vessel into the collective conscious which sparks forward thinking, change and an eccentric nature.

So what should we expect over these next 19 years?

Well, the planet of transformation moves from the element of water and intuition into the element of air and its creative innovation. This creates a whole new age of empowerment of the psyche. This allows for us as a spiritual and emotional beings to return to listening to our own inner authority.

We will see more technological advancements, since Pluto in Aquarius often coincides with breakthroughs in technology and innovation. As we have already started to see advancements in AI, robotics, biotechnology and digital communication. Over these next couple decades expect to see more revolutionary aspects of society, including healthcare, transportation and communications.

There will be more profound social and political transformations. There may be movements towards greater equality, freedom and social justice as people advocate for their rites and challenge existing power structures. Issues related to democracy, human rights, and social reform may come to the forefront of public consciousness.

A collective awakening, Aquarius is associated with collective consciousness and humanitarian ideals. During Pluto’s transit through this sign, there may be an increased focus on community, collaboration and global interconnectedness. People may become more aware other roles as global citizens and work towards collective goals that benefit humanity as a whole.

Individual empowerment, as this will encourage people on a personal empowerment and authenticity. People may feel compelled to break free from societal expectations and embrace their unique identities and beliefs. There may be a greater emphasis on person freedom, self expression, and living in alignment with ones true values.

As well as more unconventional thinking. Aquarius is known for its unconventional and progressive outlook. During Plutos transit through this sign, there may be a shift towards more innovative and forward thinking approaches to problem solving and decision making. People may be more open to unconventional ideas, alternate lifestyles and collective well being.

So overall, Plutos transit through Aquarius is likely to be a time of profound transformation, both on a societal and individual level. While there may be challenges and upheavals along the way, this transit offers an opportunity for growth, evolution and the mergence of new paradigms that better reflect the values of freedom, equality, and collective well being.

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